Atlético Benidorm

Tag: Branding


GGFI Launches GGFI Agency

Glasman Group Football International launches GGFI Agency. Francois V. Glasman, a legal players intermediary sanctioned by CSA (Canadian Soccer Association). International players movement and management. Player image promotions. GGFI Agency is an International football promoter with player talent discoveries like: Leonado De Araújo (Brasilian Star) Julian De Guzman Romuald Boco Gavin Mc Callum Michael Klukowski...

GGFI Begins Football Initiatives

François Glasman, well known and tremendously accepted in the international soccer community, particularly for his ability and success in scouting, organizing and promoting the game and it’s players forms Glasman Group Football International- GGFI. With over 60 years of experience in football GGFI will initially encompass all of International Football School of Excellence (IFSOE) Window Shopping...