The following is an account of Mr. Francois Glasman’ historical ordeals with soccer in Canada.
In 1996, the federal government dissolved the Downsview Military Base and mandated Canada Land Crown Corporation to set-up a public tender by which, private groups, corporations, institutions, sports & leisure’s groups would submit their proposals to turned the very old dirty & ugly plane hangar into a place for Toronto residents to use as an entertaining center.
After spending days & month studying the abandoned military base large airplane glassed bays, I decided to put in my bid, (under the name of central Toronto Soccer Academy) which included my plans to convert “bay one” & “bay two” into “the mecca” of indoor-outdoor soccer facilities!
My presentation was a 2-pager editorial as an expose on the nature & reasons why my bid should be highly considerate, hence the dramatic need for proper soccer all year-round facilities!
By the spring of 1997 Canada Land Corporation announced the winner of the bid which rewarded: my little, central Toronto Soccer Academy! The announcement of my winning the bid, created tremendous negative reactions from all the “heavy bidders” showing their discontent with the federal decision to reward my project for the conversion of the 2 bays, into a hugesoccer facilities complete with 5 indoor fields totaling360 weekly hours of usage “only for soccer”!
It seems my project delighted the federal government and gave me the indication that “the arms forces “had a$$$$$$ “surplus” in the “kitty” and it would be a great idea to commit that surplus to the renovation of my “hangar.”
After a long summer of the usual unrest created by the numerous hordes of rabid opponents to my project Canada was demonstrating further their contentment toward my “hangar” project, not only put-in a largeinfusion of capital for me to meet the planedxmas official opening, but they signed a lease agreement with my company by which “the queen would hold 80% equity shares would (happily) hold the remaining 20%! ….”no kidding” … With Canada Land Corporation setting the yearly rent of the “hangar” at $250.000.00 I was a happy camper!
Sadly, 1 month prior to my highly-celebrated opening of”my hangar” Canada Land Corporation unceremoniously pulled-out of our lease-agreement and left me with the$250.000.00 rent tab!Encouraged by the phenomenal positive reaction from real soccer fans and thousands of my 20 years oldPele Soccer League participants, I proceeded with the official opening with a xmas international 10 days tournament with a record 600 participating teams!
While preparing our different participating leagues scheduled season’s games slots, I was strongly advised by many known “expert” “not to include girls & women leagues” which provoked my anger, since my highlysuccessful “Pele Soccer League” had a co-ed concept!
….in response to those miserable “blazers wearing men I decided to register 244 boy’s teams and 244 girl’s team, thus, giving a tremendous “boost” to the ladies game! That was in the winter of 1997.
During 1 year of creating the most enjoyment and the tremendous football -(soccer) awareness created by my unique concepts…soon, the “specter” of$250.000.00 rent took its toll!
While in Marseille for the signing of Julian de Guzman Canada Land Corporation engaged the most powerful accounting firm to “hound” me and as soon as I landed at Pearson international, I was told to rush to the hangar tomeet with Canada Land Corporation executives and the accounting firm’s top “dogs”
It went this way: “Mister Soccer, we have got good news-bad news situation for you.” The bad news is: “we are taking over “the hangar”business and tomorrow you must sign-off allreceivable to our new co. :”the hangar”! The good news is we will give you back your small investment back and pay all outstanding tax bill….
The morning before signing-off my football business to Canada Land I pass by their lawyer’s (initial F.F.) housein Forest Hill and doped a note saying: “I Francis V. Glasman sign herewith this release… “under duress” tears of “blood” blinded me for a good 20 minutes while ringing the (unanswered) bell of that lawyer’s door!
I remained at the hangar a few more week being mentally tortured by the accounting firm’s “dogs”. Receiving some subtle menaces as well!
Meanwhile all the players I signed got rich and never contributed to my survival. My health took horrible turn! While in the hospital for 2 total hip replacement none of “my” players sent me a “get well” card! Except Benin International Romuald Boco!
In conclusion, I wish to tell those who tried to “kill” Mister Soccer’s dreams: “you are a miserable lot” and remember this: “Mister Soccer -Francois V. Glasmannever gives-up!
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